Your On-Site Machining Specialists
In-Situ Machining Solutions has been a leading force in the Canadian portable machining sector for more than 27 years. During this time our primary focus has been to provide clients with inventive, high-quality, and cost-effective solutions for their everyday concerns. We provide experienced and dedicated crews throughout the year to ensure our clients receive the necessary support for their scheduled maintenance, plant shutdowns, or emergency repair situations. By consistently delivering exceptional services, In-Situ Machining Solutions remains a trusted partner in meeting the evolving needs of businesses across Canada.
Committed to Safety
At In-Situ Machining Solutions, safety drives everything we do. We have implemented a comprehensive and COR certified safety program that includes regular training, hazard assessments, and strict safety procedures. We provide our staff with all the required PPE and our dedicated safety team regularly conducts inspections and audits. We ensure a safe and secure work environment for all employees and haven’t had any lost-time incidents or serious injuries since we incorporated in 1996.